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Exploring the Beauty of Roses Quotes and Art Collections

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Roses have the quality to spread happiness with their blooming styles. These soft blossoms, smooth petals, and delightful scents have endured as a representation of beauty, romance, and love. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, roses have inspired innumerable writers, artists, and intellectuals who have left a rich history of insightful quotes.

Rose quotations are abundant and thought-provoking, ranging from well-known individuals such as Moira and Rosa Parks to obscure poets and thinkers. They are lyrical and explore a wide range of subjects. The various meanings associated with roses, love, beauty, and their essence are all encapsulated in these quotations.

Famous quotes about roses in art and collections

Since ancient times, roses have captivated people’s hearts with their appeal. Through the ageless language of rose quotations, people learn about many topics, such as the enduring power of love, overcoming adversity with grit, the beauty of diversity, and the significance of fostering connections.

So, use the following quotations to gain motivation and inspiration from the beautiful blooming flowers.

  1. “There are thorns, roses, and humor in my life.” — Bret Michaels.
  2. “What makes your rose so precious is your time caring for it. It would be best to remember this truth, even though many others have forgotten it. You take on eternal responsibility for the things you’ve subdued. Your rose is your responsibility. — Saint-Exupéry, Antoine.
  3. “Instead of appreciating the roses blooming outside our windows today, we are all daydreaming about some enchanted rose garden somewhere over the horizon.” — Dale Carnegie.
  4. “Life is like a rose garden: be aware of the thorns and always have bug powder on hand.” – Unidentified.
  5. “A rose longs to have bees about her, yet none show up. “Aren’t you tired of waiting?” enquires the sun. The rose says, “Yes, but I will wither and die if I close my petals.” — Paulo Coelho.
  6. “The pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose; the optimist sees the rose and not its thorns.” — Kahlil Gibran.
  7. “The fragrance of forgiveness is left by the rose on the heel that crushes it.” – Unidentified.
  8. “Stop and smell the roses.” – Maccaly.
  9. “True friendship is like the beauty of a rose; we don’t notice it until it fades.” – Unidentified.
  10. “There are thorns around both truths and roses.” — Henry David Thoreau.
  11. “From the moment it is a seed till the moment it dies, the rose is a rose. It always has its entire potential contained inside it. Although it appears to be constantly changing, everything is precisely how it is at every stage and instant. — Paulo Coelho.
  12. “Smell the rose, spread its fragrance to your friends, and enjoy the world.” A quote from Persia.
  13. “Those who don’t harvest roses in the summer will also not harvest them in the winter.” – German quotation.

Art collections featuring roses and meaningful quotes

Roses are ubiquitous on Valentine’s Day and anniversaries, and with good reason. Red roses are considered the most romantic flower due to their symbolic meaning. Though not all roses are associated with romance, as different hues have symbolic significance, roses can also be a thoughtful gift for other loved ones on special occasions like Mother’s Day or a birthday. 

  1. “True love is fragrant and sweet in small doses, like little roses.” – Antunes, Ana Claudia.
  2. “The Spring spread rose-beds to receive him when love first came to earth.” — Thomas Campbell.
  3. “You have to embrace the thorns that a rose bears if you appreciate its fragrance.” — Issac Hayes.
  4. “The hand that gives you roses always has a little scent attached to it.” A quotation from China.
  5. “Love is like a wild rose; it’s peaceful and lovely, but it’s also willing to spill blood to defend itself.” – Mark Overby.
  6. “A life devoid of love will have no roses, but a life full of love must have some thorns.” – Unidentified.
  7. “Love grows only on the vine, so you’d better not pick it like a rose.” When there are several thorns, you know you missed it. Saying “mine” makes you lose your love. – Linda Ronstadt.
  8. “A partnership is akin to a rose.” Nobody is sure how long it will endure. — Rob Cella.
  9. “A woman resembles a rose…”You will witness love blossom if you give her the proper attention. – Unidentified.
  10. “A person’s life may contain a lot of flowers, but only one rose.” – Unidentified.
  11. “You can’t hide love and a red rose.” — Thomas Holcroft.
  12. “O, the red rose is a falcon, and the white rose is a dove; the red rose whispers of passion, and the white rose breathes of love.” – John Boyle O’Reilly.
  13. “The dawn requires only one rose.” — Edmond Jabes.
  14. “I’d be picking roses for a lifetime if I had a rose for every time I thought of you.” – Swedish quotes.
  15. “The rose that blooms forever is this love.” – Rumi.
  16. “My love is like a rose that is split in two; I give the leaves to others, but I give you the rose.” – Unidentified.
  17. “I’ll never love someone the way I love you; roses are red, and violets are blue.” – Unidentified.

Rose and Thorn Quotes quotes-about-roses

This selection of sayings about roses and thorns symbolizes the contrast between life’s good and terrible experiences and its highs and lows. Even while roses are exquisite, they are accompanied by unwanted and harmful thorns.

  1. “A thorn never exists in a rose.”  French quotes.
  2. “The thorn contains the rarest essence of a rose.” – Rumi.
  3. “But the one who is afraid to seize the thorn.” ought never to be fascinated with roses. — Charlotte Bronte.
  4. The sharp thorn frequently produces “Delicate roses.” – Ovid.
  5. “I’m glad thorns have roses; some people complain that roses have thorns.” — Alphonse Karr.
  6. “On the same tree, thorns, and roses grow.” A proverb from Turkey.
  7. “Every rose has a thorn; discipline teaches you to tolerate disappointments.” – Sai Baba.
  8. “Look for roses when life throws you thorns.” – Unidentified.
  9. “We can rejoice that thorn bushes have roses, or we can complain that rose bushes have thorns.” — President Lincoln.
  10. “I would rather have dead roses all over my roads than have you cover them with thorns.” – Nema Al-Araby.
  11. “Sorrow and happiness are connected, as are the rose and the thorn.” – Saadi
  12. “Thorns remain, even when roses fall.” – A proverb from Holland
  13. “A thorn protects the rose, causing harm only to those attempting to take the blossom.” A proverb from China
  14. “A rose, after its thorn pricks you, isn’t quite as beautiful as it once was.” – Anthony Liccione

Art collections featuring roses and meaningful quotes about the beauty of roses

Roses are the pinnacle of beauty, with their rows of delicate petals, sweet perfume, and stunning color combinations. These sayings about roses and beauty are an excellent way to let someone know that you appreciate their inner and outer brilliance. They also make a gorgeous addition to a garden or gift.

  1. “A rose does not propagate its fragrance; instead, its scent fills the air around it.” – Sukarno.
  2. “The rose opens itself, which is another reason it is a beautiful flower.” – Charles De Leusse.
  3. “Your petals’ fragility is what gives you true beauty.” A rose without wilting isn’t a rose at all. – Crystal Woods
  4. “Beauty is as simple as hunger; it is an ecstasy.” There is nothing to be said about it. It is similar to a rose’s scent in that you can smell it all. Maugham, W. Somerset
  5. “A rose without fragrance is like beauty without virtue.” – Unidentified
  6. “What a lovely thing a rose is!” – Author Arthur Conan Doyle
  7. “There is just the rose; it is flawless throughout its entire existence.” — Emerson, Ralph Waldo
  8. “The Rose is without an explanation; She blooms because She blooms.” — Angelus Silesius

Funny Quotes About Roses


With all of the severe meanings and quotations about roses, there’s still a lighter and more funny side to them. Some hilarious rose quotations and sayings below are twists on classic rose quotes, and others take an original approach to help you crack a smile. 

  1. “Roses on my table are preferable to diamonds around my neck.” — Emma Goldman
  2. “Send roses if you screw up.” — Letitia Baldrige.
  3. Let the roses smell you. Take in the aroma of the coffee. Whatever brings you joy, whatever it may be. — Rita Moreno
  4. “If you stopped to smell the roses more often, you’d get a lot more work done.” – Unidentified.

“A rose, a rose, a rose,” says line 57. – Gertrude Stein

  1. “It’s possible that the first man to compare a young woman’s cheeks to a rose was an idiot; the first to repeat it was a poet.” – Salvador Dalí
  2. “I wouldn’t know since I don’t get them from you, but roses are red and violets are blue.” – Unidentified
  3. “I’m not sure if growing roses makes people nicer or if nice people tend to grow roses.” – Roland A. Browne
  4. “Remember that, just like in life, things must occasionally fade before they can bloom again. Do not watch the petals fall from the rose with sadness.” – Unidentified
  5. “Have you heard the tale of the rose that emerged from a concrete crack?… Eternal life to the rose that emerged from concrete when others showed no concern. – Tupac Shakur

“A thistle cannot grow where you tend a rose, my lad,” says verse 63. – Burnett, Frances Hodgson

  1. “My garden can be a solitary rose… a single friend, my world.” — Leo Buscaglia
  2. “Just remember, during the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, that there’s a seed that with the sun’s love in the spring becomes a rose.” — Bette Midler.
  3. “For the rose, though its petals be torn asunder, still smiles on, and it is never cast down.” – Rumi.
  4. “The fragrance of the roses will linger around it even if you break and smash the vase.” — Thomas Moor.
  5. “Hope is brightest when it dawns from fears, and the rose is fairest when it is budding new.” — Sir Walter Scott.
  6. “A rose’s beautiful promise will not be fulfilled if it is separated from the sun and the rain.” — Ray Evans.
  7. “We must plant more trees if we want more roses; it will never rain roses.” — George Eliot.
  8. “A multitude of pink roses bent wildly in the rain reminds me of all kindness and its enduring nature.” — William Carlos William.
  9. “The rose would not have been the miracle it is if it had puzzled over how it grew.” – Yeats, J. B.

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